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LAURA CROTTE- equity actor


Theatre actress

Productions in English

Yasmina's Necklace           Sara                                  Goodman Theater                                                   Ann Filmer

Into the Beautiful North    Tía Irma                           16th Street, Berwyn                                            Ann Filmer

Yasmina's Necklace          Sara                               16th Street Theater                                                 Ann Filmer

Pedro Páramo                 Eduvigies Dyada                 Theatre Outremont, Montreal Canada                        Flora Lauten

                                                                       Teatro Buendía, Cuba-Goodman Theater                     Flora Lauten

The Sins of Sor Juana        Xochitl and Sor Filotea        Goodman Theatre/Albert House                              H.Godinez           

Esperanza Rising              Hortensia                       Chi Children’s Theatre/Goodman´s Owen                     H.Godinez

Another part of the house  Maria Josefa                    Teatrovista/Chopin Theatre                                       C.Keenan

Blind Mouth Singing         Mother of the Late Afternoon   Teatrovista/Chopin Theatre                                 Loy Arcena

Mariela in the Desert*       Oliva                              Goodman Theatre/Owen                                          H. Godinez

The Sins of Sor Juana        Xóchitl                           Teatrovista/Mexican Fine Arts Museum                      Eddie Torres

Electricidad*                    Vecina                           Goodman Theatre/Albert * world premier                   H.Godinez


Readings in English

Barcelona, Map of shadows                       Woman            University of Chicago/Blue Parrot Studio            d. Xavier Albertí                    La Ruta, I. Gómez                                     Vocalist           Steppenwolf Theater                                       d.Sandra Marquez

Coyote, M. Aman/T McCorry *Musical          Mother           Theater Witt                                               d.Joe Cattell

Another Word for Beauty, Josè Rivera         Carmen           Goodman Theatre                                           d.Steven Cosson

Las Madres, S. Alison Walker                      Josefina          Chicago Dramatist                                       d. Meghan Beals

Wolf at the Door, M. Treviño                      Rocio              Carnaval-De Paul-Theatre Commons-               d.Lisa Portes

Swift as Desire, J Lunden, A.Perlman *        Abuela            Chicago City Winery *Musical                           d.Henry Godinez

Unveiled, Rohina Malik                            Layla               Chicago Dramatists                                        d.Alex Levy

Mecca Tales, Rohina Malik                          Alma              Lutheran School of Theology                           d.Rohina Malik

Yasmina´s Necklace, Rohina Malik               Sara               Silk Road Rising                                         d. Corey Pond

Mojada, Luis Alfaro                                 Tita                 Victory Gardens                                          d. Chay Yew 

Undone, Andrea Thome                           Mercedes        2010 Ignition Festival, Victory Gardens               d. Lisa Portes

Yasmina’s Necklace, Rohina Malik              Grandmother    Teatrovista/Goodman/Chicago Dramatists          d. Sandra Marquez

Rose Tatoo, Tennessee Williams                Sarafina          Teatrovista/Chicago Dramatists                        d. Cecilie Keenan

Our Lady of the Underpass,Tanya Saracho    Ofelia             Goodman Theatre New Series                          d. Andrea Dymond

Elliot, a soldier’s fugue, Quiara Alegria         Ginny             Steppenwolf/Chicago Humanites Festival          d. David New


Productions  in Spanish

Pedro Páramo (eng supertitles)           Eduvigies Dyada             Theatre Outremont, Montreal Canada                     d.Flora Lauten

                                                                                    Teatro Buendía, Cuba-Goodman Theater

Maria de Buenos Aires-Opereta           Voice                          Chicago Cultural Center-Summer Operas                  d.Elio Barilari

Carralejas  (Eng supertitles)               María                             Colectivo El Pozo/ La Villita b&g club                     d.Carlos Jaime

Al son que me toques/BloodWedding    Death & Mother            GoodmanTheatre—RavenTheatre--Meztli Gallery      d.Laura Crotte

La Casa de Bernarda Alba                  Martirio                          Goodman -Aguijon, Cuzco, Peru, B.A., Argentina        d.Marcela Muñoz

Cuarteto                                       Merteuil                        Publik/Tour Mexico—Gran Teatro Havana, Cuba       d.Boris Schoemann

Una visita Inoportuna                      Regina Morti                  Mexico City, National tours Mexico                       d.Boris Schoemann

Se Busca                                      15 characters                   Veracruz, Mexico City, National tours Mexico          d.Crotte/Schoemann

Barbacoa, historia de piratas             puppets-4                      National tours Mexico- Xalapa, Veracruz                d. Carlos Converso

¿De qué te ries?                             Tecucistécatl & Mother      National Anthropology Museums in  D.F. & Xalapa, Ver. d. Alicia Martínez

Cuentos de Niebla                          Sirvienta                       Teatro Studio T Xalapa, UDL Puebla                     d. Abraham OOceransky

La Madre                                      Novia                                     Literatura Dramática y Carlos Lazo UNAM     d. Rocío Carrillo

Aristofánica                                  Several characters                  Foro de la Conchita-Coyoacán, Tlaltelolco        d. Gilberto Guerrero


Dramatized Readings in Spanish (Directed by L. Crotte)

Rosa de dos Aromas, Caballido                     #2                      LatinoCulturalC-UIC, CPS schools, UIC-NEIU Book Fair, Pilsen

Odio a los putos mexicanos, LEGOM            Tamara                  Centro Cultural Helénico-D.F., La Catedral-Chicago

El ogrito, Lebeau                                    Madre                    Efebos Café- Teatro leído, más divertido

Una Visita Inoportuna, Copi                       Regina Morti            Efebos Café- National tours Mexico

Cuarteto, La balsa de los muertos,               Merteuil                 d. Boris Schoemann

Cachafaz, El Regreso al Desierto,                 Sister                    "En Cadena de Montajes" Publik Teatro contemporáneo

La Misión, Ruleta de estafadores                 Numerous              National Tour throughout Mexico-


Director, Producer, Designer

Own productions (Creation-Direction-Production-Performance- Costums & Masks-Theatre, Music & Dance)

The awakening of the Americas-Homage to Héctor Duarte´s Mural-           35th Anniversary of Latino Cultural Center- UIC

Awakening of the Americas-the creation of a mural                               Francis Parker School

Skulls, Rosaries, and Cempazuchitl                                                     Latino Cultural Center- UIC

Día de los Muertos Promenade                                                          University of Illinois in Chicago-

Día de los Muertos- La Catrina´s 100th anniversary                                 Field Trips at Old Town School of Folk Music 2010-2012

Nanatzin y los viejitos del tajin, La iguana y el tlacuache,                         Stories told throughout CPS schools, Chicago Libraries, and

Tecucistecatl y la creación del sol y luna, and many more                         Community learning centers all over Chicago and suburbs.

AL SON QUE ME TOQUES, LORCA- adaptation, direction, production, dress-mask-light-design, choreography, music by Laura Crotte

Performed at Meztli Gallery in Pilsen, at De Paul University, Raven Theater, and at the GOODMAN LATINO THEATER FESTIVAL.

El Nacimiento de la Unidad- ENLACE                                                    Mexican Fine Arts Museum and  Mex-Hometown organizations

Raíz de Arena, based on La Misión by Heiner Muller                                 Casa Ursulo Galván

Un poquito de Muerte-Que me entierren con pompa                                Socicultur, UNAM, IPN


Film & Voice

Film Credits

Maydays, Ben Kolak & Rick Gamboa             Abuela                 Chicago International Latino Film Festival

Out of Love, Ben Hur Uribe                        Madre                 Chicago International Latino Film Festival  2005

                                                                                   “Best Actress” nomination Midwest Independent Film Festival

Alquimia, Luis Valenzuela                          Remedios             Chicago International Latino Film Festival 2004

Cita de Bardini, FabrizioPrada                     Raquel                  Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico 1996


Vocalist /Music  

Vocalist to HoySon Cuartet, Orquesta La Tira, w/Stas Venglevsky, bayanist virtuoso,

and Sones de Mexico at the Hot House, Benito Juárez HighSchool, Chicago Symphony Orchestra Hall,



 Commercial & Industrial

  "Vestigio de Paisaje" Rock/Poetry    (Radio Universidad Veracruzana)

  Hamlet for Radio- Felipe Cazanova   (Radio Universidad Veracruzana)









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